Love Links Collection: Celebrating the Bond of Love
Our view of love became the inspiration behind the Love Links Collection. The collection encapsulates all the expressions of love that we believe there are. Each heart-shaped stone in its unique colour represents an act of love. Love as experienced by the wearer, a simple act like a pat on the back, saying well done, a thumbs up for overcoming stage fright, or a big gesture such as showing up at the airport to pick up the person after a long flight. The multi-faceted coloured stones represent any act of love received by the wearer.
The heart-shaped links connecting the stones represent the bond that we form with the people that have shown us love and the ones we have shown love to. They represent the bond formed with people that we hold dear. A bond that cannot be built with anything but love. A bond that should be cherished and protected from anything that will break it. We only fight for what is worth fighting for. Love is worth fighting for, so we should fight anything that threatens our bond.
We are not silent about how big we are on love. All our collections have an undertone of love. Loving people and loving self. This is what we represent. So, in this special month of Love, express yourself with a Jumoke Lagos, Jewellery. Visit our website, www.jumokelagos.com, and our Instagram page @jumokelagos. Join our community on Facebook Jumokelagos and follow us on Twitter. We choose to spread LOVE through fine jewellery and we want to do this with you.
I hope this was an enjoyable read but I would love to continue the conversation with you in the comments section. What is your definition of love? Is love emotional or an action? How best do you express love and how do you want it expressed to you? Our eyes are itching to read your responses.
And as I mentioned earlier in the post, Jumoke Lagos is a community of lovers. We are showing ourselves love this valentine as well, but we promise not to delay your orders while at it.
We love you all and please have these words with you always. “A life that loves, will also be loved”.
From the Jeweller with a heart bursting with love, it is a see you later!!!!!
Lots of love and precious stones
Jumoke Lagos