A few months ago, I experienced a rather peculiar night of restlessness. I found myself tossing and turning in my bed, desperately seeking a more comfortable sleeping position. The truth is, it wasn't caused by insomnia or an uncomfortable sleeping posture, but rather my mind was clouded with FEAR! I was apprehensive about the commitment I had made to our brand.
During our Q2 strategy planning session, we decided to embark on a few initiatives to propel our brand in the desired direction. While it was exhilarating during the planning phase, the execution demanded a great deal from me. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing vulnerability on this journey of building a dream. I contemplated an easier, less demanding, and more practical approach (LOL). The team might not have agreed with a change of direction, but they would have complied. Amidst this internal struggle, my phone chimed, offering a welcome distraction from my thoughts.
I reached out to retrieve it from my bag, and it was a message from my enthusiastic colleague, providing an update on what had been keeping me up at night. He was so excited that he couldn't wait until morning, sending it at 3 a.m.
Upon reading the message, I sat up and sighed. I whispered to myself, "You cannot let the team down. This is bigger than you." As I stared at my brown leather bag on the floor, I recalled an incident at the airport a few weeks prior. I was waiting to board my flight back home, and if you're anything like me, there's a high chance you often exceed the permitted luggage weight, necessitating a handbag like mine.
Seated at the gate, waiting to board, I smiled at the sight of my ever-loyal travel companion – my brown leather bag. I pulled it closer, gently caressing its handles, and silently thanked them for enduring the unreasonable limits I pushed them to. The word "RESILIENCE" suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I recalled Giles Duley's description of resilience as life's gift for suffering. According to the Oxford dictionary, it's defined as the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. You'd agree that, much like my travel companion, we as humans are required to adapt to our circumstances and possess the inherent ability to do so.
It was time for me to step into the role of a resiliently positive entrepreneur, rising to the challenge of building our brand, even if it meant doing so with fear. I have an arsenal of coping mechanisms I rely on when moments like these arise. My support system ranks high on that list. I'm blessed to have a strong network of support with whom I can vulnerably share my fears and doubts. Because during these moments, I need a reminder of my WHY – the WHY I enthusiastically shared when everything was perfectly mapped out, without anticipating roadblocks, mental hurdles, or emotional exhaustion.
On the entrepreneurial journey, some doors we knock on may not open, and some well-planned strategies might not unfold as expected. In times like these, we need a refueling of strength because not showing up is simply not an option.
You might be wondering how I dealt with my fear-induced insomnia. I reached out to my support system, and my first words were, "I need a hug; I'm confused." After our lengthy conversation at 4:30 a.m. (yes, I woke her up), she concluded the call with, "You will give it a go."
Our latest episode of the "From the Jeweller Series" delves into the theme of RESILIENCE. Conversations like these lie at the core of our brand essence. We are committed to sharing meaningful life stories through our work – stories that resonate and inspire.
Our Mulberry collection, in particular, narrates a tale of resilience and the beautiful conclusion of a challenging season.
With lots of love and precious stones,
Jumoke Lagos